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Selectmen Minutes 08/26/2008
Chichester Board of Selectmen
Minutes of Meeting
August 26, 2008

Members present:  Chairman Richard DeBold, Selectman Jeffrey Jordan, and Administrative Assistant Jamie Pike.

Other present:  Mark Drew, Road Agent David Kenneally, Alan Mayville, Fire Chief Gil Vien,  Police Chief Patrick Clarke, Building Inspector David Paveglio, EMD John Martell, Fire Warden Stephen Stock, Deputy Fire Warden Matt Cole, and Joyce Vien.

Chairman DeBold called the meeting to order at 7:00pm.  

Police Department – Chief Patrick Clarke

Chief Clarke informed the Board that the Department has received the unregistered dog warrant from the Town Clerk and has been diligently working on this list attempting to contact all owners.  Chief Clarke and Officer Wright took a class on identity theft this day.  A public informational meeting will be scheduled in the future to present this information to the residents.

Highway Department – David Kenneally

Mr. Kenneally informed that Board that he and his staff have been moving forward with the ditching project.  Mr. DeBold asked Mr. Kenneally if the sand delivery arrangement was working well.  Mr. Kenneally stated that the material was not coming as regularly as he would like it, but material will be hauled in this week.   Mr. Kenneally reported that the culvert at the Briggs’ property on Carpenter Road is scheduled to be replaced this year.

Mr. Jordan questioned Mr. Kenneally on his concerns of the sand deliveries as explained by Mr. Drew at the previous meeting.  Mr. DeBold had spoken to Ms. Raymond during the week concerning this situation, and according to Ms. Raymond she told Mr. Drew that they would like 500 ton of sand delivered and to call when he was ready to deliver.

Building Inspector – David Paveglio

Mr. Paveglio reported that Tractor Supply is on schedule with an expected turn-over of the building in mid-September.  Mr. Paveglio also reported that the 2009 Building Permit list is full and all persons have been offered a 2008 permit.  There are many unused permits set to expire shortly which will be made available this year.  Mr. Paveglio will be meeting with the Planning Board on September 4th to finalize the Commercial Occupancy Permit.

Fire Department – Chief Gil Vien

Chief Vein introduced the three new students; Ryan Pitts, Alex Weiner, and Jeffrey Matthews.

An answer has been received from Town Counsel concerning the building of a driveway to the fire pond on the Ferman property.  After review, the easement and construction shall move forward.

An additional quote has been received for the HVAC system at the Safety Building in the amount of $27,500 from New England Climate Control.

Forest Fire Warden – Stephen Stock

Warden Stock reported that there were three (3) additional pairs of pants to be ordered under the warrant article.  Mr. Stock will be attending the State Wildland Fire Training on September 20th and 21st.  This training will include but not limited to; land navigation, water supply, and fire investigation.

Concerning the purchase of the transmission for the Forestry Vehicle 3, Chief Vien and Warden Stock were asked for their opinion to assist the Board in making their decision.  Chief Vien feels the vehicle is old and not worth fixing.  Warden Stock feels the vehicle is well worth having in service.  This vehicle could not only be used for forest fires but would be useful in emergency situations like the recent tornado.  After having already put over $20,000 in to the truck it is well worth spending another $1000.  Deputy Warden Cole stated that as he has worked in other Town in forest fire situations, a military style vehicle has been very useful in accessing remote wildland areas.

The Board shall wait until all members are present to make a decision on the purchase.

Mark Drew

Mr. Drew presented a letter on behalf of Loren and Brenda Mayville requesting the supply of potable water as their well has been contaminated with sodium chloride.  Attached to this letter was a quote for the drilling of a new well upon the property.  Concerning this alleged contamination, Mr. DeBold feels time is needed to research the issue.  Mr. Jordan feels the Town also needs to have this well tested.  Mr. Mayville requested the Board to contact the Mayvilles.  Mr. DeBold requested Mr. Drew to supply the Board with a Power-of-Attorney from the Mayvilles as described in the letter.

Mr. Drew also submitted a letter to the Board regarding the on-going zoning violation.  It was stated that such letter shall be forwarded to the ZBA and the Town attorney.  Mr. Jordan clarified with Mr. Drew that he feels he is conducting an agricultural enterprise.

Mr. Jordan asked Mr. Drew for his side of the story in the conflict between himself and the Road Agent concerning the sand deliveries.  Mr. Drew stated that Mr. DeBold’s earlier report is only hearsay, and that Chichester’s way of doing things is unique.  Mr. Drew was asked to recall what he heard when Ms. Raymond called him on the morning of August 18th.  Mr. Drew responded, “ Mark, we are putting you on the spot and want you to perform.  I am ready and waiting.”  Mr. Mayville explained to the Board that he heard the Road Agent tell Ms. Raymond to tell Mr. Drew that they are ready for the delivery and to have Mark call when ready.  As this is an apparent he said – she said situation, Mr. DeBold urges the Highway Department to give the vendor sufficient notice.

Paving Bid

The bids for the paving of the parking lot at the Community Building were opened and reviewed.

R & D Paving - $5650.00
Sam Cooper - $4450.00  Removal of pavement - $500  Grading and Paving- $3950
Porter Paving- $7420.00
CLD Paving- $6900.00
Youngs Paving(previously opened)- $4950.00
Clairmont Paving(previously opened)- $8900.00

As the warrant article allowed only the expenditure of $4000, Mr. Rienhardt of the Historical Society shall be contacted to seek other options and the Road Agent will be contacted to see if he could remove the pavement.  A decision shall be made upon the presence of a full Board.

Fuel Bid

The bids for the supply of heating oil for the Grange Hall, Library and Community Building were opened and reviewed.

Fred Fuller - $3.995/gal
Davis Fuels - $4.029/gal
Rymes - $3.679/gal

A motion was made to accept the Rymes bid of $3.679/gal by Mr. DeBold.  As no second was received, the decision shall be made upon the presence of a full Board.

Correspondence was reviewed.  An estimate has been received for the repair to a car damaged during a snow storm from Mr. Georgopoulos.  The Road Agent will be spoken with at the next meeting concerning this issue.
The minutes of August 19th were reviewed and approved as written.

The MS-1 Summary of Inventory Valuation was signed and shall be submitted to NHDRA.

The Purchasing Policy was adopted as amended on August 19th.

Mr. DeBold shall follow-up on the Patten zoning complaint.  It was noted that it appeared they had been working on coming into compliance.

Mr. DeBold reported that he has attempted contact with the Pattens concerning the zoning violation.  It appears that they have made a good effort and progress.

Mr. Vien shared with the Board his frustration that it seems each time he leaves a meeting or is not there someone brings forward complaints about the Fire Department.  Mr. Vien also expressed frustration with the CIP committee and explained that he had a meeting with them on the following evening.  Mr. Vien is tired of additional committees trying to tell him how to do his job, also that a member of the CIP committee and former Fire Chief wrote the CIP projects that he has submitted.

Being no further discussion a motion was made to adjourn the meeting at 9:02pm by Mr. DeBold and seconded by Mr. Jordan.  Motion passes.

Respectfully submitted,

                                                                        Not Yet Approved.
Jamie A Pike

Richard DeBold, Chairman                 Stephen MacCleery                      Jeffrey Jordan